Yousef Al Absi - DevOps

Software Engineering

About Yousef:

I'm a Senior at Iowa State University pursuing a Bachelor of Science degree in Software Engineering. I've always been fascinated by computers and knew that I wanted a degree at one point. I have been coding since I was 12. I've experience in a lot of different areas and have had a couple of internships so far. I was moved by the idea of video calls when I was 10, and that inspired me to be writing code in the goal of connecting the world more one day. I like how coding shows challenges on a daily basis and, most of which, are open ended. In my free time, I like to do competitive programming, longboarding, hackathons, or I'm out sailing somewhere.

Cole Alward - Storyboard Master

Software Engineering

About Cole:

I'm a senior in software engineering at Iowa State University. I was introduced to programming during my senior year of high school, which is where I learned that I wanted to be a programmer. My internship at the Mayo Clinic has been my favorite programming experience by far. I love working on web-based or Angular projects. I do enough coding for school; in my free time, I play guitar, drums and skateboard.

Morgan Anderson - Scribe

Software Engineering and Psychology

About Morgan:

I am a fourth-year student at Iowa State University pursuing a Bachelor's degree of Science in Software Engineering and Psychology. Ever since I was little, I have had a growing love for technology and innovation. However, it was not until I heard about the development of a virtual reality headset, the Oculus Rift, that I considered pursuing a degree in a technological field. The Rift has even inspired my dream: to contribute to the development of virtual reality programs that will help people in psychological ways. This passion continues to grow every day and has been reflected through my success in academics and at work.

Ammar Khan - Product Owner

Computer Engineering

About Ammar:

I am a fourth-year student majoring in Computer Engineering with a Minor in General Business. I knew I wanted to be a Computer Engineer after my Junior and Senior year experience on the Programming Team of my High School FIRST Robotics team. Since then, my love for technology has grown. I have interned as a Software Developer at United Supplier's and at John Deere ISG, which is also where I will be working post graduation. In my free time, you can usually find me playing FIFA in my room or playing basketball at Lied Rec Center.

Justin Kuhn - Testing Engineer

Software Engineering

About Justin:

I'm a fourth-year student at Iowa State University pursuing a Bachelor of Science degree in Software Engineering. I have experience with a wide spectrum of software development techologies, and I'm always striving to learn new skills and gain new experiences as often as I can. What I like best about software development is how creative it is. You can develop virtually anything if you put your mind to it. When I'm not working, I'm probably playing video games or tinkering with computers.

Larisa Thys - Scrum Master

Software Engineering

About Larisa:

I am a senior at Iowa State and will be completing my Software Engineering Degree next May! It will be my next big change, following some other big recent changes. I just got married the Saturday before school, and in September we got a puppy! Other than my husband and my puppy, I really enjoy music and board games, and maybe some little "techy" side hobbies. I am developing a health tracker currently and have been playing around with Alexa Apps. I am excited for what Senior Design will hold!